Update // Moving to the UK

Hello England!

© Mia Kay Fitness 2015

I am now living in Leeds to start my new chapter in life. I will occasionally be making visits to Hong Kong, so for my fellow followers from there fret not because I will still be carrying on posting my health and fitness journey to you. Although I won't be on at the same timezone, I plan to post regularly so you won't be missing anything out.

Escaping the busy city life in Hong Kong, I hope to use the extra time that I have in my spare time to post and share more content with you guys to help you achieve leading a healthier lifestyle based on my own experience.

With the last month or two having been filled with social activities, my diet and training was not up to par so I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym and amping up my training to get in good shape for the new year! So what better way than to post my fit happenings with you so we can get in shape together to enter the new year with a positive start- feeling fresh, energetic, confident and healthy!

I look forward to sharing my journey with you all. #letsgetfitfor2016

If you have any questions to ask me, I would be more than happy to reply so please do give me shout on my instagram or comment on this post.