Get Gymming // My Workout Schedule

Mia Kay Fitness © 2015

For those that have seen my @miakayfitness Instagram - I love to workout and keep in good shape! :) You may have been wondering what my gym schedule is like so here is a summary of how I plan/go about a typical week.


Weight Training- Upper body
4 sets x 15-20 reps for 4 moves


Weight Training- Lower body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves




Cardio or HIIT


Weight Training- Upper body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves


Weight Training- Lower body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves


Rest/ Cardio

This is literally what I write in my planner every Monday morning on my way to work!
Fit tip: Write down which days you are going to work out and commit to it as you would with a doctor's appointment/ client meeting. Planning is the key to success here so save a couple of minutes on a Sunday or Monday morning to plan. Treat your exercise the same as you do with your meetings.

I prefer to separate my weight training into upper and lower body days to allow myself to train regularly whilst giving my muscles enough time to recover and grow.

Workout frequency

I usually workout 5-6 times a week but there are times where I'm working 2 times a week so don't go thinking you have to be working out nearly every day to get the body you want. I've been exercising pretty much all my life so my body is used to the number of times I train. I suggest if you are a beginner to gradually build up to allow yourself enough time to get into it so that you don't overtrain and injure yourself.  It's all about committing in the long run and looking after your body. We want looking and feeling good a part of our lifestyle that is maintainable year round! ;)

My Upper Body Days

I have no hard fast rules as to what I do on my upper body days or my lower body days. I tend to incorporate different exercises on different days to keep my workouts fun and interesting.

Moves I do include:

  • push ups
  • arnies
  • pull ups
  • bent over rows
  • shoulder press
  • bicep curls
  • tricep curls

My Lower Body Days

Moves I do:

  • weighted squats with the bar
  • goblet squats
  • single leg squats
  • deadlifts
  • jump squats
  • leg press
  • donkey kicks
  • weighted lunges

My Cardio/HIIT Days

I typically run outside, go hiking (Hong Kong is ideal for this!) or do spinning. I've recently picked up kickboxing which is also great exercise for building muscle too- a great fat burner. I also do intense bursts of short exercises with minimal rest (eg. 30 seconds on, 10 secs rest - repeat) also referred to as HIIT. This usually consists of bodyweight and pylometric exercises like jump squats, burpees, tuck jumps, jump rope, push ups, mountain climbers etc.

Reps & Sets

I generally stick to 4 sets with 15 reps which is suggested for women for that lean muscle definition. If you're looking to build muscle mass, I suggest doing 8-10 reps instead. Every now and then I do switch and do 8-10 rep just to change the intensity of my exercise so that I avoid hitting a plateau. 

Hope this helps to give you an overview of my workout approach! If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or email me at I would be super happy to hear from you! :)

MK x


  1. I'm definitely starting your routine starting tomorrow. 😊

    1. Awesome girl! Thanks for commenting Priyanka! Let's do this! yeeaaaa :)
