Fit Tips For February

Goodbye January, Hello February!

Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

4 Health & Fitness Tips To Get You Fantastically Fit in Feb

Time just seems to be passing by quicker by the day. I'd realised it's been 2 months since my last post- meaning it's been two months since I've moved to Leeds from Hong Kong so now that I've settled in, there's nothing stopping me from blogging. :)

As the first month of the year is over, now is the perfect time to reflect back on how well you've done over January. How many of your New Year's fitness resolutions have you managed to stick to? Pat yourself on the back and give yourself merit for your achievements no matter how small they are. You deserve it! And if you didn't quite stick to your plans/goals this month, that's not to worry. Being fit for life takes patience and long-term commitment so it won't come easy. It's earned and not given. Otherwise everyone would be as fit as a fiddle! 

To help you stick to your fitness goals this month, here are my 4 key fitness tips to incorporate into your fitness lifestyle:

1.  Cook with coconut oil. 

Coconut oil is a healthy fat source and has been all the buzz in the health and fitness industry in recent years. Although some sources have marketed it as as a thermogenic product that aids fat burn, studies have shown that you will have to take in a substantially large quantity in order for it to really have any fat burning effect so be way of this. 

The main reason I use coconut oil in my cooking is because it is more resistant to spoiling than other fats. The smoking point of Olive oil is 280 Fahrenheit but whereas for Coconut oil it's 350F. This means that using olive oil in cooking is more like to reach to the point where it produces compounds harmful to your health.

Olive oil is a great source of fat but it's best kept for use of low temperatures Eg. salads. 

2.  Plan your workout for the next week on Sunday night.

Every Sunday evening, I make a note in my planner which days of the week I'm going to work out and what body parts I'm going to focus during those days. I find that by doing this, it really helps me stick to it. My organiser is something that I refer to throughout the day so whenever I have a look at it, I'm constantly reminded what I've committed myself to. I love it when I get to tick it off after I've finished my workout as it gives me a sense of achievement! 

Being organised is key, and by scheduling in time before the week starts will leave you with one less thing to worry during the working day. It's a win win!

3.  Get a fruit bowl

Trade in that cute looking sweet bowl and replace it with a fruit bowl. You're more susceptible to eating things when it's infront of you so keep healthy foods in sight  and sweets in your cupboard will help you snack more healthy, especially during slumps and when you're feeling tired. 

4. Share your fitness goals to your friends + family

Don't be afraid to share your fitness goals to your family and friends. You don't have to be in it alone. It's much easier for them to help you achieve your goals if they are aware it. At times when you're in a slump, you can account for them to help you get back on track. It may be your family or friends share the same goals and you can work together on it? Getting a gym buddy can help you to count on each other and get your workouts in and have more fun this way too! If you need a little more motivation, I find following fitness accounts on Instagram can help too as I'm reminded just how many people are striving towards similar goals as me.

I hope you find this blog post helpful and if you have any questions I'm more than happy to hear from you! You can comment below or get in touch by commenting on my instagram @miakayfitness

Live fit,

MK x

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