Don't worry, a low carb day isn't without high carb days too.

My Full Day of Eating on a Low Carb Day is now up on my Youtube

My take is that it's okay to eat a low carb diet (under 130 grams) provided it is followed with high carb days. I wouldn't advice anyone to follow a low carb diet alone for the long term because it's not healthy, and you'd be doing more damage to your body than doing good. 
Eliminating a whole food group is not going to be the answer to fat loss. Neither will it be good for your body or make you feel great.

Your body needs is balance, and remember- carbs are not the evil enemy! 

What we want to do is be more mindful about reducing the amount of REFINED carbs (white toast, sugary snacks, fizzy drinks) we eat and replace these with NUTRIENT DENSE carbs (quinoa, wholewheat pasta or toast, vegetables). This will help to nourish and fuel your body, leaving you feeling fuller for longer and more energised to hit heavy weights! So yes, I say have your carbs but a few low carb days won't hurt too for those sedentary days :)

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