Update // Moving to the UK

Hello England!

© Mia Kay Fitness 2015

I am now living in Leeds to start my new chapter in life. I will occasionally be making visits to Hong Kong, so for my fellow followers from there fret not because I will still be carrying on posting my health and fitness journey to you. Although I won't be on at the same timezone, I plan to post regularly so you won't be missing anything out.

Escaping the busy city life in Hong Kong, I hope to use the extra time that I have in my spare time to post and share more content with you guys to help you achieve leading a healthier lifestyle based on my own experience.

With the last month or two having been filled with social activities, my diet and training was not up to par so I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym and amping up my training to get in good shape for the new year! So what better way than to post my fit happenings with you so we can get in shape together to enter the new year with a positive start- feeling fresh, energetic, confident and healthy!

I look forward to sharing my journey with you all. #letsgetfitfor2016

If you have any questions to ask me, I would be more than happy to reply so please do give me shout on my instagram or comment on this post.

Amazing Benefits Of Foam Rolling

Mia Kay Fitness 2015, Foam Rolling ©

Have you ever had those days where you feel like you’re muscles are sore and tight but you neglected doing anything about it?  At first I was skeptical about the benefits of using a piece of foam to loosen my muscles but when it comes to resistance training, the very thought of alleviating my DOMS encouraged me to do something about it. It’s now my go-to fitness product and (almost) everyday ritual, especially after leg days or running.

At first the pain may seem unbearable but you’ll soon learn to love the pain! Sounds a bit crazy but trust me on this.

So what are the benefits?

1) Foam rolling is a great way to reduce mild muscle tension, especially after a hard workout. I find it great for loosening off the IT band (outside of your leg from the knee up), my glutes and calves. 

2) It helps to decrease recovery time by helping with muscle repair. For all of you frequent gym-goers you’d be happy to know that using a foam roller can help you get more training session in per month.

3) It doesn’t cost much in comparison to booking a sports massage so you’ll be saving yourself a lot of money. If you do buy one, you can get compact ones, which you can use wherever, and whenever you want so it’s super convenient. Having one at home will help you do a bit here and there saving your time on making trips to the gym/ sports therapist. You may even be lucky to have one in your local gym which you can use.

4) Lastly for females – it can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite so when beach season comes, you’ll be feeling more confident in your own skin.

When do I use it?

I sometimes use it before my workout as a warm-up if my muscles are feeling a bit tight but I most often use it during the evening where I spare some minutes before bed.

Using it before your workout helps to increase blood flow to my muscles to areas that may not be receiving much blood flow whilst reducing tension in the muscles. If your muscle is too tight when you start your workout, you may not be able to get deep enough into your exercise so you’re essentially restricting yourself in getting better results.

Using it after your workouts helps to flush out the blood flow and allows fresh nutrients and oxygen to help with the healing process. You may also find it helps me to unwind, relax and get a restful sleep if I do it before I go to sleep.

Let me know if you try and how you feel in the comment below! Or if you’ve got a tip for muscle recovery please share it!


Get Gymming // My Workout Schedule

Mia Kay Fitness © 2015

For those that have seen my @miakayfitness Instagram - I love to workout and keep in good shape! :) You may have been wondering what my gym schedule is like so here is a summary of how I plan/go about a typical week.


Weight Training- Upper body
4 sets x 15-20 reps for 4 moves


Weight Training- Lower body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves




Cardio or HIIT


Weight Training- Upper body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves


Weight Training- Lower body
4 sets x 15 reps for 4 moves


Rest/ Cardio

This is literally what I write in my planner every Monday morning on my way to work!
Fit tip: Write down which days you are going to work out and commit to it as you would with a doctor's appointment/ client meeting. Planning is the key to success here so save a couple of minutes on a Sunday or Monday morning to plan. Treat your exercise the same as you do with your meetings.

I prefer to separate my weight training into upper and lower body days to allow myself to train regularly whilst giving my muscles enough time to recover and grow.

Workout frequency

I usually workout 5-6 times a week but there are times where I'm working 2 times a week so don't go thinking you have to be working out nearly every day to get the body you want. I've been exercising pretty much all my life so my body is used to the number of times I train. I suggest if you are a beginner to gradually build up to allow yourself enough time to get into it so that you don't overtrain and injure yourself.  It's all about committing in the long run and looking after your body. We want looking and feeling good a part of our lifestyle that is maintainable year round! ;)

My Upper Body Days

I have no hard fast rules as to what I do on my upper body days or my lower body days. I tend to incorporate different exercises on different days to keep my workouts fun and interesting.

Moves I do include:

  • push ups
  • arnies
  • pull ups
  • bent over rows
  • shoulder press
  • bicep curls
  • tricep curls

My Lower Body Days

Moves I do:

  • weighted squats with the bar
  • goblet squats
  • single leg squats
  • deadlifts
  • jump squats
  • leg press
  • donkey kicks
  • weighted lunges

My Cardio/HIIT Days

I typically run outside, go hiking (Hong Kong is ideal for this!) or do spinning. I've recently picked up kickboxing which is also great exercise for building muscle too- a great fat burner. I also do intense bursts of short exercises with minimal rest (eg. 30 seconds on, 10 secs rest - repeat) also referred to as HIIT. This usually consists of bodyweight and pylometric exercises like jump squats, burpees, tuck jumps, jump rope, push ups, mountain climbers etc.

Reps & Sets

I generally stick to 4 sets with 15 reps which is suggested for women for that lean muscle definition. If you're looking to build muscle mass, I suggest doing 8-10 reps instead. Every now and then I do switch and do 8-10 rep just to change the intensity of my exercise so that I avoid hitting a plateau. 

Hope this helps to give you an overview of my workout approach! If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or email me at miakayfitness@gmail.com I would be super happy to hear from you! :)

MK x

8 Easy Ways That Will Help You Get Healthier

Trying to lead a healthy lifestyle but feeling overwhelmed at the thought of making changes to your current routine? Being healthy doesn't have to mean overhauling your entire lifestyle. Small tweaks practiced consistently over time can make a world of a difference in how you feel.

@miakayfitness 2015 ©

Here are 8 little ways to be your healthier self...

1. Spread avocado instead of butter

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and burn some extra calories

3. Eat whole bread instead of White bread

4. Use a foam roll instead of stretching to loosen those tight muscles

5. Floss your teeth- remove that film of bacteria. Yes...Yuck.

6. Drink more water, less soda!

7. Get planking! No equipment, No excuses

8. Go for free weights over machines as they allow for a full range of motion in the joints

Test yourself to see how much you can incorporate into your daily routine. None require the gym except for No. 8 so no excuses for not trying! Lets do this!

MK x

FITNESS // How To Stay Motivated To Workout

Mia Kay Fitness ©

How many times have you started working out and then quit? Sticking to a workout or diet plan is hard! It's not going to be easy. You're not going to get results overnight. You have to work for it. But it IS possible. You CAN do it. Don't give up hope!

Here are my 6 tips that help me to stay dedicated to workout...

1. Stash The Scale

When it comes to results, checking your body weight is not the best approach to track your progress. You may be tempted but I urge you to not get focussed on the scale because it is only an indicator. The scales doesn't show internal changes happening to your body when you workout for example your body composition, improved balance/ coordination/ flexible. Your weight can simply fluctuate a lot simply by drinking a lot of water and sweating after your workout so it's not reliable.

In fact, I don't even weigh myself to track my progress. I go by how I feel, how well I can move and the mirror test.

2. Find Workouts You Enjoy

Don't force yourself to follow a workout plan. Instead find movement you enjoy doing. You want to go with a workout that gets you excited about moving so that you can stick with it. Being consistent is key to getting results.

3. Schedule A Workout Time

Organisation is key. Plan your workouts ahead of time and note them down as appointments. You don't miss work meetings or doctors appointment, so why should you miss your workouts? Plan your week ahead every Sunday so you can balance and schedule time to workout and spend time with friends/ family.

4. Buddy Up

Go workout with a friend who wants to get in shape too! Motivate and support each other to workout. Get people to know your health and fitness goals so that they can support you to achieve your goals.

5. Wear Good Gear

If you feel good and comfortable in your workout clothes, you're more likely going to put on your workout gear on in the first place to get you moving! I advice in investing in a pair of good shoes, a top and shorts (leggings) that will help you have a more effective workout, feel inspired and make you look better while you workout. With the right clothes, you'll have ample movement to stretch to your potential.

6. Music

Have a good playlist on that's going to help you crank up your workout! Pick out motivation/ 'feel good; songs and listen to them on the way to the gym to get you into the mindset to workout. 

Hope you find these tips useful! Live and Lift!

MK x

Peanut Butter Banana Toast

Breakfast, Healthy Peanut Butter Banana Toast, Mia Kay 2015

A common worry of peanut butter is the fat content, but it contains more unsaturated fat that saturated fat so it's a good course of healthy fats. So for all you peanut butter lovers out there, you'll be delighted to hear that you can go ahead and indulge! BUT before you get carried away there and eat spoonfuls out of the jar, remember to control your intake of this as it is calorie-dense.

One way I incorporate peanut butter into my diet is having it as a breakfast toast. It's just so easy and quick to make when I'm rushed in the morning to go to work. This breakfast recipe packs the punch in providing a nutritious healthy dose of fibre, protein, healthy unsaturated fats which will help you to feel full and provide you with sustained energy. 

Ingredients (serves 1)

1 Bread slice

  • Healthy tip: use whole-grain, or even better, choose Ezekial bread!
  • Benefit: whole-grain bread has all of the natural fibre, vitamins and minerals. The soluable fiber will help to promote a healthy digestive system and will help absorb water which makes you full.

2 tablespoons Peanut Butter 

  • Healthy tip: Don't choose the low-fat/ low calorie versions as most often are loaded with extra and unneeded sugars and also watch out for the amount of sodium by choosing salt-free options
  • Benefit: provides a good course of healthy fats which helps to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, niacin to help the skin and nerve keep healthy and function properly and protein to help build and repair muscle tissue. Protein-rich foods will help keep you full for longer to keep you satisfied.

1/2 Banana 
  • Benefit: Bananas are a much healthier choice than jam which consists of no nutritional benefit. High-potassium food which helps to promote muscle function and can help countact the negative effect of too much sodium. Also contains a good dose of iron, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A.

Extra tip: I like to top mine with hemp seeds which you can buy in health food shops around Hong Kong. They're so versastile you can sprinkle them on salads, mix them into your yoghurts to add extra fibre, omega 3 and omega 6 fats and magnesium into your diet.


Feel free to ask to comment below and follow me on instagram @miakayfitness

MK x

Muscle Building Chickpeas And Tuna Salad

Healthy Chickpeas Salad, Mia Kay © 2015

Nourish yourself with this healthy and super easy to make (no cooking required) salad! I've used ingredients which can be easily found in any Hong Kong supermarket so that you have no excuses as to not being able to make it! What's even greater about this recipe is thatit doesn't require much utensils or washing up after! Hurrah! :)

This high-protein mixed veg salad is a great way to get those veggies in your diet and to fuel for the day when you are short of time (a factor us Hong Kongers seem to always be limited to!) You can always use this healthy salad recipe as a basis and use whatever veggies you have in the fridge or veggies you fancy.

Ingredients you will need (serves 2)

- a can of chickpeas (around 300g)

- a can of tuna (75g)

- veggies you would like to use. I used:

-3 stalks of celery

- 3 beetroots

- a handful of baby carrots

- 4 romaine lettuce leaves

For the dressing:

- sweet chilli sauce

- juice of one lemon

- fish sauce (not essential but adds flavour to it)

- white pepper (not essential)

How to make it:

  1. Wash and cut up all your veggies into bite friendly sizes

Healthy Veg, Mia Kay 2015© 
 2. Drain all the liquid out of the chickpea can and tuna can and combine them into one big mixing bowl.

Chickpeas and tuna, Mia Kay 2015 ©
 3. Move your cut up veggies (except the romaine lettuce)  from the cutting board and toss them into the big mixing bowl.

Mix the veggies with the chickpeas and tuna, Mia Kay 2015 ©    

4. Now to make the dressing- squeeze the juice out of one lemon and add 2 tablespoon of Thai sweet chilli sauce. Give it a stir and a taste to see if it suits your liking. You can always add more sweet chill sauce. If you do have fish sauce add a few drops and it will help intensify the flavour of the dressing.

Light and refreshing salad dressing, Mia Kay 2015 ©  

5. Combine the dressing into the big mixing bowl and use your both hands to mix the sauce with the salad so that the dressing is evenly coated.

6. And there you go! A quick and easy AND healthy recipe with a good combination of fibre, protein and carbs.  Half the serving and save the other half for the next day or share it with someone  :)

Muscle Building Chickpeas And Tuna Salad, Mia Kay 2015 ©    

Thanks for reading this post! Let me know if you liked this recipe and if you would like me to post more easy healthy recipes on my blog by commenting below. I would love to hear your thoughts! :)

MK x

Quick n Easy Healthy Pita Bowl Recipe

If you like pita and want a simple meal that you can prepare in less than 15 minutes with minimal cutlery and/or ingredients then this pita bowl is the perfect dish.

The crunchiness of the oven toasted pita is delightful and there's no feeling of guilt with this recipe as this doesn't require any deep frying keeping it nice and healthy. :)

I've created two versions - one which I will call the 'Super High Protein Pita Bowl' and the other - 'The Light and Crunchiful Pita Bowl'.  You may wish to change the filling to suit your taste buds accordingly.

The main ingredient you'll need of course for this recipe is pita! I used a wholemeal version which I bought at Jason's marketplace and is readily available in local supermarkets which has 3 pitas for about Hong Kong Dollar 13.

 'Super High-Protein Pita Bowl'

Healthy Lunch, Pita Bowl, Mia Kay 2015 ©

For this recipe  which serves 2 half portions (half portion is the portion shown in the photo above), you'll need:
  • 1 (wholemeal) pita 
  • 4 chicken breast slices
  • 1 or 2 boiled eggs (take the yolk out if you want)
  • Optional to add flavour: Italian seasoning & White Pepper & Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce (readily available in most HK supermarkets)
  1. In advance, boil 1 ot 2 eggs.
  1. Put the whole pita in a toaster oven and heat for around 5 mins. The pita should blow up like a balloon as it gets hot.
  1. Whilst the pita is getting nice and toasted,  remove the yolk from the cooled eggs and break into small bite sized pieces.
  1. Do some squats or lunges while you wait for the toaster to 'ping' :P
  1. Take out the pita balloon once it's looking crispy. Watch out cause it's hot! Take a bread knife and cut the balloon shaped pita into two lovely bowl pieces.
  1. Get your chicken breast slices and nicely fold them into your pita bowl, along with your egg white pieces.
  1. Season your pita bowls with Italian seasoning, white pepper and Thai Sweet Chilli sauce or any condiment of your preference.
  1. Voila! It's that simple. :)

Is that it? Yes but you may wish to add some veggies like spinach leaves if you'd like to up the nutrition because I got lazy whilst making this as I was super hungry after my workout!Steps:

'The Light and Crunchiful Pita Bowl'

Healthy Lunch, Pita Bowl, Mia Kay 2015 ©

This recipes calls for the same steps except for replacing the boiled eggs with lettuce pieces and cucumber and sesame dressing for the seasoning leaving a nice and refreshing pita bowl. :)

If you try this recipes or have any questions please feel free to comment below and I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks and hope you like this post! :)
Please note: I am not a nutritionist and so these meals may not be perfectly nutritionally balanced. I am just blogging to sharing my dishes on what I eat that is on my Instagram at @fitnhealthyinhk for those who are interested :)

MK x

My New Breakfast Staple

Weetabix Cereal- My Current Breakfast Go-To, Mia Kay 2015 ©

For the past few weeks, every morning I have been consistently eating Weetabix for breakfast. It's particularly a great convenient weekday breakfast because it's super quick to prepare and fills me up better than any cold cereal. Plus, unlike other cereals, the original Weetabix is low in sugar, made from wholegrain, and it's high in fibre and B vitamins so it is one of the most healthiest options in the cereal aisle. They also come in rectangular pieces so it's easy to portion control- there's no need to get a scale out and measure your portions.

I used to eat oatmeal or hot porridge but I find it can be a bit too hot in Hong Kong to start the day with a hot bowl.

Since eating Weetabix as my breakfast staple in the last month, I have noticed that my stomach feels noticeably less bloated and I have more energy to power me through the morning till lunch.

Serving suggestion:

I eat two rectangular portions with full-fat milk. Mix in cinnamon powder and top it with half or one whole banana slices (depending on who hungry I am).

Weetabix with banana slices,  cinnamon and milk, Mia Kay 2015 ©

The great thing about it is that all you need to do when you feel like you're getting bored of what you're eating or want to take in a variety of micronutrients is to switch the toppings.

Other topping ideas include:

  • blueberries
  • rasins and apricots
  • dried berries
  • exotic fruits
  • nuts
  • mango and greek yoghurt
  • drizzle of honey

For those who have never tried it before, it may need time to get accustomed to the texture.  I like to break the two rectangular portion pieces that I have (about 100 calories each) into super small pieces and make sure that all the milk soaks into the Weetabix to turn into constituency like oatmeal. It's definitely not pretty looking but if you like oatmeal, this alternative may be something you like.

As an active gym goer I'm almost hungry all the time so having a breakfast that includes carbs and   also will satiate my hunger levels until mid-morning when I have my roasted almonds for my snack is  important. I've noticed it's doing a better job at keeping me full in comparison to my usual greek yoghurt topped with fruits for breakfast.

What's your breakfast go-to? 

MK x

Welcome To My Blog

Mia Kay 2015 ©

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my new blog!

I decided to step up my dedication to blogging as I have been receiving more questions about my workouts, nutrition advice, how to stay motivated and more from strangers, friends and my fellow instagrammers. I feel the best way to address the most frequently concerned health and fitness questions would be this blog and not my @miakayfitness instagram account (previously named @fitnnhealthyinhk).

All my posts are based on what has worked based on my personal experience and so I wouldn't say my way to keeping fit will work for everyone, but it will hopefully help guide you and provide you with the right tools to help build a better and more confident you.

I aim to update the site every 2 weeks with exclusive content that goes with living a healthy lifestyle. Here's some of the things I will be posting:

  • my workouts routines
  • foods that I eat
  • healthy places to eat in Hong Kong
  • healthy/ fitness product reviews
  • and words of motivation!

I hope that this new format appeals to you and allows you to find the answer to your health and fitness questions more easily. If you do have any questions or if there is anything you would particularly like to see on the website, please feel free to ask me by commenting on my posts or instagram feed. I'm all ears so I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can and deliver the best content for you. :)

This site is still under construction so you may notice a few odd headings here and there or incomplete sections so please bear with me until I get the hang of it!

Mia Kay x

My Story: Dangers of Pure Cardio Training

This one is for the ladies! I am going to tell my story to the potential dangers of excessive cardio training you might not be aware of so that you do not put your health in jeopardy.

I confess I used to be one of the girls who never thought about touching weights. In my head, pure cardio was all that I needed to stay trim and slim.

As a competitive runner my training consisted of A LOT of endurance based exercises like swimming and running for hours a week. I had a narrow mindset and never thought twice about incorporating other training methods to make me a stronger and faster runner. I was super dedicated to running whenever I could and didn't think much about nutrition. I was training intensively, constantly pushing myself to run for as long and as fast I coulds to the point I got secondary amenorrhea. Although this is hardly a new issue for athletes, my competitive edge and naivety thought of this as a sign that my missing periods was evidence of my hard work, and that having a low body fat percentage equated to being faster but this couldn't be further from the truth. What I didn't know back then was that my body was unable to produce enough oestrogen, which meant that it was taking calcium from my bones.  In the long run, this could lead to stress fractures and broken bones. 

I stopped training this way after I finished all my races in my final year of high school because I knew it wasn't sustainable. I was lucky to get my period back after reducing my miles but who knows what the consequences would have been if I had carried on like this. Yes I was slim and regarded as 'fit' because I can run quite well but this approach could've resulted in negative consequences. 

Listen to the signs your body tells you and  do not overlook them just because you think you look and feel fine.

Yes I was certainly slim and even underweight whilst I was competitively running (no surprise here- just look at the figures of long-distance runners) but if you are aiming to get that toned physique, cardio exercise alone is useless. Let me break it to you now so you don't waste your time running hours on end. If you train this way you are NEVER going to get that fit body you've been yearning for. And you CAN get it. You just have to train smart.

Hours of cardio and eating less can result in weight loss but it doesn't result in fat loss.

You are likely to be losing muscle mass and water weight. Is this what you want to do to your body? Cardio exercise alone can increase cortisol levels (a stress hormone) which has in studies been linked to weight gain and increases appetite, so results-wise, it can be counter-productive as you may end up eating more than usual. 

Doing cardio can be a great weight loss tool but doing it excessively is not going to give you the results for that fit lean body.

The best way to get the beach body you want is with a healthy diet, lifting weights and a bit of cardio. These are the basic rules to successful weight loss. Lifting weights is not going to make you bulky. I myself fell victim to this myth and was initially hesitant to lift weights with my naturally small frame but I couldn't be more grateful to fall in love training this way. I am more toned than ever and more confident in my body. It certainly took me time to change my mindset so for you beginners out there, I understand where you are coming from. But trust in me, keep going and you will see and feel the benefits. 

Having more muscle mass means having a higher metabolism so you burn more calories even whilst your doing nothing. It's a win-win situation.

Just to show a case in point that cardio is not going to give you the results here is my body transformation before and after lifting weights...

Here's what I look like when I was underrating and just doing cardio training.

My running years- (I'm standing in the middle) relying on pure excessive cardio, Mia Kay, 2008 ©

Here's what I look like now eating healthy most of the time, weight training and incorporating cardio into my workouts.

My body transformation- eating healthy regularly, with weight training and a bit of cardio, Mia Kay 2015 ©

If you have been thinking about incorporating weight training into your routine, now is the right time to start. It is NEVER too late.

I hope this post was insightful and helpful. Please do feel free to leave comments and ask questions below. I will be so happy to hear your thoughts on this topic and more- whatever comes to your mind, as I am here to share my thoughts. :)

Mia Kay x