The exercises that helped me build a stronger and better booty

Left: January 2016. Right: October 2016

Having had a relatively small frame all my life I wasn't blessed with a round bottom. I was thin and as light as a feather so back then it made perfect sense for me to be a long distance runner. But then things changed when I started weight training. I started building muscle. I got stronger. I was looking in the mirror thinking that the skinny girl who looked like a boy had completely disappeared. She now has curves! 

It did take some trial and error finding out what worked and delivered results faster. And no- it wasn't some easy overnight process. It will require commitment and persistence but as they say, once you start lifting you will never go back to your old ways. I lift simply because I love it and I think once you get the swing of things you will too!  It's a great way to relieve stress, and if you're toning your body at the same time, it's a win-win situation isn't it? Anywaysssss, onto the point, I found the following moves really helped me to build my glutes to how it looks like today, so if you're looking to build your booty, you may wish to try and incorporate some of these into your routine (wink wink).

1. Weighted Barbell Squats
2. Glute bridges
3. Single leg squats
4. Split squats
5. Rear leg raises (Bodyweight)


Watch my video to find out my current favourite products that I like to eat or use - all of which are healthy or useful in keeping healthy!

FITNESS HAUL: What I got from the mid-season sale

Lately, I've noticed a lot of brands having their mid-season sale, and being an active gym-goer, I feel I could never have enough workout clothes. I decided to check out Victoria's Secret, Adidas and  Sweaty Betty sales to see if there were any products I could buy for a fraction of the cost to save some me some pennies. I managed to buy quite a few things so I thought I'd share with you what I got. Check out my haul by clicking on the videos below!

UPDATE: My current training routine and diet


Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

As I don't really ever get the chance to film my workouts and show you what I get up to in the gym, here are my favourite weight exercises.

FOR THE GLUTES, I like to do:

  • Barbell squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Single leg squat
  • Lunges
  • Donkey kicks
  • Glute bridges


  • lateral raises
  • shoulder press
  • push ups
  • single arm rows

FOR THE BACK, I like to do:

  • prone flys
  • pull ups/ lat pull-down
  • back extensions

In my workout sessions I always, without fail, 10-15 minute warm up before I do my main workout. I do 5 mins on a cardio machine (bike or rower) followed by dynamic stretches to get the body warmed up and reduce the risk of injury. Sometimes I'll also foam roll if particular muscles are feeling sore. Depending on the body part I'll be working that day, I would adapt my warm up stretches to the muscle groups which will be used. 

My main workout session will start off with compound exercises as they require a lot of energy and mental focus, followed by lighter isolation movements. My main workout lasts for about 45 minutes.

I'll end my workout with a 10-15 minute cool-down where I will lower the intensity of my exercise to help disperse any lactic acid. Lately, I've been enjoying the stepper machine to finish off my leg session. I'll follow this with a variety of static stretches, dependent on which muscle groups I've used to help prevent muscle soreness and maintain flexibility.

I hope you find this post interesting and useful. Please share your thoughts below or by messaging my on Instagram!




Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

I love a good salad and I really love it when it's simple to make! Here's a salad I have every so often which I can whip up the night before to have for the next day. That's you're lunch sorted for tomorrow, you can thank me later ;)

With plenty of fibre and protein, this is a nutritious bowl of goodness.


Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©
I always try to include protein in all my meals. One way I've been enjoying  getting protein into my diet is having a protein smoothie. It's been a great way to quench my thirst and cool down in this summer heat. Super simple to make, delicious and nutritious it works both great as a pre and post workout snack!

Here's my video recipe to make it. If you do give it a try, let me know what you think of it :)


Hummus bowl from Humpit, Leeds. Mia Kay Fitness 2016©
Who doesn't love a good hummus? If you're a hummus lover and ever about in Leeds there is a dedicated (and delicious) hummus place in Leeds city centre.

I went to HUMPIT try it out the hummus myself, with a friend, and we were both pleasantly surprised how delicious a hummus bowl can be. Light, creamy and smooth, I went for the classic hummus bowl which you can check out in my video below. They also offer smoothies and pita so it's good whether your eating in the beautiful corn exchange or are looking for something to eat on-the-go. I suggest you visit before noon as they isn't much seating available.


I love a good brunch but sometimes I just can't wait till the weekend to go out dine in a lovely healthy cafe! At times I'm feeling for a healthy brunchy meal I can create at home, I always go to my poached egg and avocado toast. When I'm feeling like I want to treat myself, I even add in some smoked salmon slices to dazzle the dish up. This meal is super nutritious, high in protein and good fats so it will keep you feeling full for longer.  Tip: I recommend swirling the boiling water in the saucepan before you put the pre-cracked eggs in so that the eggs is nice and clumped together. Easy peasy!

How to get a healthy takeaway

It's Friday night and by the time you get home you might be exhausted that you're not bothered to cook or you want a social night in. Either way, whether your spending the evening alone, with your significant other or your gal pals, you need to have something for your evening meal.  So what takeaway options are there when I want to keep it relatively healthy?

If you ask me that question, I'll say that my go-to for a healthy takeaway is Itsu, an Asian-inspired counter-service and takeaway chain for sushi, salads and noodle dishes. They've got a branch in Leeds and I've seen quite a few when I've been in London. So for you Londoners out there, you can grab n go or dine-in here for lunch too. I went last weekend and got myself some sushi and a salmon poached low carb salad box from there.  They do a half price sale EVERYDAY half an hour before closing time so it's a win-win! Great value, nourishing foods, and tasty! Salad boxes are usually £3.50 at the sale price. You can see what I like it.

To see what exactly I got in my Youtube video, check out my Youtube video displayed above. Please give it a thumbs up if you watch it! :)

Getting a takeaway doesn't have to be calorie-laden with fat and refined carbs, it is possible to find places which offer nourishing foods if you go look out for them! Of course, a treat of pizza every now and then is fine but for those days when you fancy eating healthy, I'd say Itsu is one you can count on.

(This post or the video was not sponsored in any way. I simply choose to share what I like).

MK x


Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

Whenever I'm on holiday, I try to stay active in some way. I find that the best way to enjoy a vacation is to take your exercise to the outdoors, whether that's snorkelling in the sea or hiking up a mountain. 

Last week I went to Innsbruck in Austria and experienced staying in a tent for the first time. While that might not be everyone's cup of tea, I have to say the views from the campsite was just amazing!  It was an experience I could gladly look back on. 

I have to say being a creature of habit I was wishing I could take my gym with me but when I got there and saw how picturesque the place was that thought disappeared.  Giving up a couple of days in the gym didn't matter. What mattered was to make most out of my holiday and to enjoy it so yes I didn't lift a bunch of weights while I was there but I did go on a full day's hike which I enjoyed and saw one of the most beautiful scenic views I've ever seen which I will never forget! It's easy to get caught up with a exercise regime for frequent gym goes and at the same time it can be hard for some to keep consistent with their workouts but at the end of the day what I've realised is:

Enjoy life. See the world around you.

Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©
Yes you can take your workout outdoors but no you don't have to go all out 100 miles an hour all the time. Likewise, it may take baby steps for you to get going in the gym but if you're making progress and you're slowly moving towards your goal, give yourself a pat on the back and don't defeat yourself. 

Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

Do the exercise you love. If you like hiking, then go do that. Find a mountain to climb whilst on your holiday. If you love yoga, good on you. Get yourself a beach towel if you're on a beach holiday. Working out doesn't simply have to be in the gym!

Check out my video below to see the views from the Austrian Alps.
Give me shout if you decide to go ;)


Let the gainz begin. ðŸ’ª 

Myprotein claim they are the No.1 world's leading sport's nutrition brand so I of course, I had to t  go to their website and check out the products they sell...and yes there's plenty to choose and stock up on!

As I love snacking throughout the day and whilst I'm trying to up my protein intake, it was natural for me to pick products high in protein. So if you're looking to stock up on some alternative protein sources, you can check out my unboxing video to see what I got (and my favourite products so far) from Myprotein in the video below.

                 (This blog or the video on my Youtube was not in any way sponsored by them)

Will I buy any of their product again? Yes.

Will I buy from them frequently? I'll probably bulk purchase particular products so I don't have to pay for the delivery. I still prefer buying some products from Holland and Barrett and Musclefood so I wouldn't say it's a one-stop shop.

Is it good value for money? Yes. Especially when buying products by the box instead of one package, the price is reduced.

How about the quality? I would say the quality of the products are good but it could be a hit and miss. Wouldn't recommend their BCAAs but I would recommend their protein cookies for sure! Love them.






Don't worry, a low carb day isn't without high carb days too.

My Full Day of Eating on a Low Carb Day is now up on my Youtube

My take is that it's okay to eat a low carb diet (under 130 grams) provided it is followed with high carb days. I wouldn't advice anyone to follow a low carb diet alone for the long term because it's not healthy, and you'd be doing more damage to your body than doing good. 
Eliminating a whole food group is not going to be the answer to fat loss. Neither will it be good for your body or make you feel great.

Your body needs is balance, and remember- carbs are not the evil enemy! 

What we want to do is be more mindful about reducing the amount of REFINED carbs (white toast, sugary snacks, fizzy drinks) we eat and replace these with NUTRIENT DENSE carbs (quinoa, wholewheat pasta or toast, vegetables). This will help to nourish and fuel your body, leaving you feeling fuller for longer and more energised to hit heavy weights! So yes, I say have your carbs but a few low carb days won't hurt too for those sedentary days :)

Come Join Me. Let's get fitter and healthier together.

If you're here reading this post and want to make changes to your health, then you've come to the right place.

Come join me on becoming that healthier and fitter you've envisioned. Let's work together to become a better us.

Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

This what this blog is all about. I'm here essentially sharing my fitness journey and passion to others as I embark on learning more about my body and finding ways to incorporate fitness into my every day lifestyle.

Why am I doing this you ask? I'm doing this because I want to. I want to learn ways and techniques which will help to increase my fitness performance. I want to feel strong and alive! I want to look after my body. I want to feel good on the inside and out. I want to know more about how the human body works. I'm genuinely really intrigued and I don't know why but it is what it is! I thought I'd document some things I learn on my way in case someone else was interested too.

So here's a few of the things of what I'm going to be sharing on this blog:
- my fitness tips
- what I eat and healthy recipes, or healthy places to eat in the UK
- fitness gear and accessories I'm use/loveeeee
- my training
- product reviews
- and learning/thoughts about this lifestyle in general
Oh...and also videos from my Youtube channel. ;)

My aim is to get up a weekly post so stay tuned! There's lots of great stuff that will be on this blog, and I'm so excited!:) xxx


Day Trip To Ilkley, Cow and Calf Rocks.

Making most of the British Summer!

A step outside of Leeds to enjoy a lovely view, fresh air and steady state cardio. Being fit and healthy doesn't always have to be gruelling sweaty session in the gym.

MK x

Travel Vlog: Hiking in Hong Kong + Outdoor Workout

Here's Part 2/2 of my vlog series in Hong Kong. One of my favourite things to do in Hong Kong is to hike so while I was there I hiked up Lantau Peak Stage 2 and Maclehose Trail Stage 2 which you can see in the video. Tai Long Wan is such a beautiful place to visit if you haven't been or are thinking of going to Hong Kong. I highly recommend this hike (you can cool down in the sea as the water is clean enough to swim!). 

Hope you enjoy the video- please give it a thumbs up if you do! And hit the subscribe button if you'd like to see more health and fitness vlogs! :)

Love MKx

Travel Vlog: Trip to Hong Kong

I went back 'home' to Hong Kong to visit my friends and family and decided to take my camera with me to share you what I got up to during my stay.

You'll see in this video that I regularly checked in my workouts (sorry there's no video clips of my actual workout). For me, holiday is a time where I'm usually more active. With more spare time on hand I like to get my workouts in, without having to worry about time. Although I do like to be active that doesn't mean I eat clean during my holiday. I like to enjoy the local cuisine and eat whatever I want, and when I want. I believe it's okay to indulge in treats and things which don't provide nutritional benefits, as shown in the video ;). We've only got one life right? As long as this isn't drawn out to become a regular lifestyle after your holiday it's okay.

Please give it a thumbs up if you like the video and subscribe to my channel if you'd like to see more from me! Stay tuned for the next vlog where I will show you two hikes around Hong Kong and an outdoor workout I did which really gets the heart going!

love MK x

My Gym Essentials

Trip to Belgium, Grocery Haul, Gymshark Clothes Try On

What I Eat For Breakfast

Intro Youtube Vlog l Healthy Fitness Lifestyle @miakayfitness


Click on the link above to watch my first-ever vlog!

I was nervous to put this up at first but I'm glad to have made the leap. I'm at the stage where I'm feeling confident where I am at with my fitness. I feel strong, motivated and happy and just wanted to reach out to people who want to start their fitness journey but aren't sure where to start and other like-minded people who share a passion for health and fitness! 

With this channel, I plan to share my fitness and exercise tips as well as easy ways to help people lead a more healthier lifestyle.  Please check out my channel and if you like it, please give it a cheeky thumbs up and subscribe. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me whether that's here, on my instagram or on my Youtube channel. I would be more than happy to hear from you! :) x

Fit Tips For February

Goodbye January, Hello February!

Mia Kay Fitness 2016 ©

4 Health & Fitness Tips To Get You Fantastically Fit in Feb

Time just seems to be passing by quicker by the day. I'd realised it's been 2 months since my last post- meaning it's been two months since I've moved to Leeds from Hong Kong so now that I've settled in, there's nothing stopping me from blogging. :)

As the first month of the year is over, now is the perfect time to reflect back on how well you've done over January. How many of your New Year's fitness resolutions have you managed to stick to? Pat yourself on the back and give yourself merit for your achievements no matter how small they are. You deserve it! And if you didn't quite stick to your plans/goals this month, that's not to worry. Being fit for life takes patience and long-term commitment so it won't come easy. It's earned and not given. Otherwise everyone would be as fit as a fiddle! 

To help you stick to your fitness goals this month, here are my 4 key fitness tips to incorporate into your fitness lifestyle:

1.  Cook with coconut oil. 

Coconut oil is a healthy fat source and has been all the buzz in the health and fitness industry in recent years. Although some sources have marketed it as as a thermogenic product that aids fat burn, studies have shown that you will have to take in a substantially large quantity in order for it to really have any fat burning effect so be way of this. 

The main reason I use coconut oil in my cooking is because it is more resistant to spoiling than other fats. The smoking point of Olive oil is 280 Fahrenheit but whereas for Coconut oil it's 350F. This means that using olive oil in cooking is more like to reach to the point where it produces compounds harmful to your health.

Olive oil is a great source of fat but it's best kept for use of low temperatures Eg. salads. 

2.  Plan your workout for the next week on Sunday night.

Every Sunday evening, I make a note in my planner which days of the week I'm going to work out and what body parts I'm going to focus during those days. I find that by doing this, it really helps me stick to it. My organiser is something that I refer to throughout the day so whenever I have a look at it, I'm constantly reminded what I've committed myself to. I love it when I get to tick it off after I've finished my workout as it gives me a sense of achievement! 

Being organised is key, and by scheduling in time before the week starts will leave you with one less thing to worry during the working day. It's a win win!

3.  Get a fruit bowl

Trade in that cute looking sweet bowl and replace it with a fruit bowl. You're more susceptible to eating things when it's infront of you so keep healthy foods in sight  and sweets in your cupboard will help you snack more healthy, especially during slumps and when you're feeling tired. 

4. Share your fitness goals to your friends + family

Don't be afraid to share your fitness goals to your family and friends. You don't have to be in it alone. It's much easier for them to help you achieve your goals if they are aware it. At times when you're in a slump, you can account for them to help you get back on track. It may be your family or friends share the same goals and you can work together on it? Getting a gym buddy can help you to count on each other and get your workouts in and have more fun this way too! If you need a little more motivation, I find following fitness accounts on Instagram can help too as I'm reminded just how many people are striving towards similar goals as me.

I hope you find this blog post helpful and if you have any questions I'm more than happy to hear from you! You can comment below or get in touch by commenting on my instagram @miakayfitness

Live fit,

MK x